Who is affected
If you provide personal services such as body piercing, tattooing, hairdressing, laser hair removal and various other aesthetic services, you – and your clients – are at risk of contracting blood-borne diseases. The Ontario Ministry of Health has released a protocol specific to Personal Services Settings under the Infection Control Program. This protocol applies to any facility or person offering services where there is a risk of exposure to blood or bodily fluid, and has been developed to minimize the risk of contracting blood-borne infections for both Personal Service Workers and their clients.
High risk establishments include any service where skin penetration is involved. The protocol states that all items intended to penetrate skin or mucous membranes and items that hold sterile items must be sterilized. The only acceptable methods of sterilization are an autoclave or dry heat sterilizer. Autoclaves or dry heat sterilizers must be regularly serviced and monitored. The sterilizer must also be tested bi-weekly with commercially available heat resistant spores.
Near North Laboratories Inc. is pleased to provide a monthly sterilizer monitoring program. The monitoring kit includes 3 test strips (2 to be placed in your sterilizer and 1 for a control), sterilizer monitoring program information and instruction sheet, submission form, return envelope, sterilizer monitoring log and order form.
Test kits are sold at a rate of $39.33 + $5.12 (HST) for a total of $44.45 each.
Turn Around Time
Expected turn-around time for the final test report is 1 to 2 weeks. This will vary depending on sterilizer type and incubation period.